

I was born in Argentina, I lived in France and currently in Switzerland. I am the founder of FV Travel Group, a company with its head office in France, working all along the world with exclusive groups of Spanish and English speaking travelers.
My higher education has been carried out in two phases: in Argentina, I have graduated as an Architect and I have been granted a PhD in History. In France, I have been awarded a Postdoc fellowship in History and a tourist guide license. 
I have been invited to come to France by the House of Human Sciences Foundation (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l´Homme de Paris, FMSH) and the historian, Christophe Charle (Sorbonne/ École Normale Supérieure in Paris, an elite higher education institution) and this has enabled me to take part in postdoctoral activities in the Modern and Contemporary History Institute in the ENS (located at Rue d´Ulm in Paris). At the same time, I graduated as a lecture guide with a tourist guide license at Le Mirail University of Toulouse. This is how since I arrived in France, I have devoted myself to run FV Travel Group, to guide tourist groups, to travel and spot sights to recommend and to study European natural and cultural heritage.

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